Welcome Charismatic Amigonian Family

"Days left for our great celebration"


The month of Amigonianity is a period dedicated to honoring and reflecting on the life and work of Fray Luis Amigó, a key figure in the history of our Congregations. His dedication to education and care for the most needy has left an indelible mark that deserves to be studied and understood in depth. During this month, we organize various activities and events aimed at highlighting the relevance of his legacy and fostering a greater understanding of his historical and spiritual impact. We have scheduled a series of activities from September 15 to October 18 of this year.

Activities Calendar «Month of Amigonianity 2024»

Intercongregational Activity

Launch Date






Celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows

opening celebration

September 15


Manila, Philippines



15:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission – Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Asia

Amigonian Martyrs 

September 18





Intercongregational Commission

Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Africa

Webinar «The Faces of Our Mission»

Sister  Martha P. Ramírez Vergara, Fr. Jürgen Hoffend T.C

September 21




15:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission

Martyrs and Blessed Capuchin Tertiaries


September 28

Central America

Costa Rica



Intercongregational Commission

Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Central America

Webinar «The Historical Figure of Fray Luis Amigó»

Sister Amparo Alejos Morán – Fr. Juan Antonio Vives Aguilella

September 28




15:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission

90th Anniversary of the Founder’s Death

October 1



Parish of Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist of Massamagrell

Eucharistic Celebration


Youtube- Facebook

17:30 hours


Intercongregational Commission

Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Europe

Celebration of St. Francis


October 4





Intercongregational Commission –

Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Europe Italy

Webinar «Amigonian Identity and Amigonian Family»

Msgr. Bartolomé Buigues Oller, T.C, Sister Cecilia Pasquini

October 5




15:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission

Final Amigonian Art Festival 

October 12

South America



15:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission –

Hermanos/ Hermanas

Organizer: South America Demarcations

170th Anniversary of the Founder’s Birth


October 17

South America

Medellín –

Luis Amigó Catholic University

Eucharistic Celebration

16:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission –

Organizer:  South America Demarcations

Celebration of Father Luis’s Baptism and Closure of the Month of Amigonianity 

October 18

Central America

Costa Rica


16:00 hours


Intercongregational Commission

Brothers/Sisters Demarcations Central America

Join us and celebrate Amigonianity

Dear Amigonian Charismatic Family



September arrives with an October flavor, Amigonian scent fills the air; the Mother precedes the feast, the Blessed Martyrs form a crown, Luis Amigó is the star that rises and stays, Francis is a well that unites, vivifies our spiritual depth. The Mother departs from her Nazareth, bringing the Son, passing through Assisi inviting the Brother, and in the Amigonian motherland, Massamagrell, with the Holy Family, they find Luis, who joyfully arrives with his children: we sing the glory of the feast.

With the grace and fraternal spirit that characterizes us, we are pleased to extend a cordial invitation to participate in the significant activities of the Month of Amigonianity; this year is particularly special, as the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family and the Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows unite in a joint celebration of the life and work of our beloved Father Founder.

We gather under the motto: «Walking Together, Living the Franciscan-Amigonian Charism,» this will be an opportunity to strengthen the bonds that unite us and deepen our identity. United as one family, we wish to commemorate and honor the legacy our Father Luis has left us, which remains alive in each of us and in the actions we carry out daily.

Our goals are clear and profound:

– Strengthen unity and communion among all members of our spiritual family.

– Promote the Amigonian Identity and charism, as the legacy and distinctive seal that defines us.

– Foster knowledge and reflection on the life and work of our dear Father Founder Luis Amigó y Ferrer.

– Spread and live the foundations that constitute the essence of our Amigonian imprint.

– Celebrate Amigonian music, art, and culture, as manifestations of faith and joy in living our spirituality.

– Educate in Amigonian values, sowing seeds of good in society.

– Expand our charism and create a broader charismatic communion.

– Celebrate the Month of Amigonianity wherever there is an Amigonian layperson.

During this special month from September 15 to October 18, we will remember key dates that invite reflection and celebration:

  • September 15: Celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows.
  • September 18: Amigonian Martyrs.
  • September 28: Martyrs and Blessed Capuchin Tertiaries
  • October 1: 90th Anniversary of the Founder’s Death
  • October 4: Celebration of St. Francis.
  • October 12: Amigonian Art Festival
  • October 17: 170th Anniversary of the Founder’s Birth.
  • October 18: Celebration of Father Luis’s Baptism and Closure of the Month of Amigonianity.

The activities are structured around three fundamental pillars:

  • Spiritual Component: Involves Eucharistic celebrations, moments of prayer, and reflection.
  • Artistic and Cultural Component: A festival that includes singing, poetry, painting; expressions of our inner richness.
  • Intellectual Component: Webinars and conferences that will nourish our intellect and spirit. Sharing charismatic reflections.

May this Month of Amigonianity be a shared path of growth and celebration; let us accompany each other on this journey of faith, culture, and learning, always united in love for our Father Fray Luis Amigó.

With affection and in communion of prayers,

Intercongregational Commission to celebrate the Month of Amigonianity.

Amigonian Spirituality:

Amigonian Intellectuality:

Webinar: "The Faces of Our Mission" – September 21, 15:00 Europe


Sister Martha P. Ramírez Vergara

Online via Streaming

Sister Martha is Colombian. She joined the congregation in 1979 and has studies in auxiliary nursing from Sena and social work in South Korea. She also has biblical, theological, and Mariology studies via the internet. In her apostolic experience, she highlights her work with indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in Bajo San Juan, Colombia, for 5 years, as well as being a missionary in Africa for a period of 5 years and founding the community in Benin, Africa. She has also worked as a missionary in South Korea for 21 years, being part of the group of founding sisters in that country and was responsible for initial formation. She served as Vice Provincial in the Vice Province of Asia for 6 years and has been a missionary for 33 years.


P. Jürgen Hoffend T.C

Online via Streaming

Brother Jürgen Hoffend is the Superior of the Luis Amigó Province, an Amigonian Priest, born in Cologne (Germany). He holds degrees in Theology and Philosophy, as well as in Psychology, with a specialization in Clinical Psychology and qualification as an individual, group, and family psychotherapist. Since joining the Amigonian congregation, he has served as an educator and director of youth centers and comprehensive prevention projects for children and adolescents in Germany and Poland. In Spain, he has been the director of the Ownership Team of Amigonian schools, and since 2017, he has been serving as the territorial director of the Amigó Foundation in Cantabria, where he was also the superior of the religious community at the Casa de los Muchachos in Torrelavega.

"The Historical Figure of Fray Luis Amigó" – September 28, 15:00 Europe


Sister Amparo Alejos Morán

September 28, 15:00 Europe

Sister María de los Desamparados Alejos Morán was born in Valencia, Spain. She completed her high school studies at the Teresian Institution and trained as a Social Worker and Childcare Assistant at the Diocesan School of Valencia and the Javier Professional School, respectively. She holds a law degree from the University of Valencia and worked at the Juvenile Court and as General Secretary of the Juvenile Protection Board. In 1982, she joined the Congregation of Capuchin Tertiary Sisters, dedicating herself to education in reform centers and obtaining a diploma in Spirituality from the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome. She was the founder and superior of the Kairós Community in Rome and held various leadership positions in her congregation, including Third General Councilor and General Secretary. Currently, she collaborates with the NGO PROYSO and is a member of the board of CONFER Valencia, residing in the Holy Family Community of Massamagrell.


P. Juan Antonio Vives Aguilella T.C

Online via Streaming

Father Juan Antonio was born in Onda, province of Castellón, Spain. He has been a Capuchin tertiary religious since 1966 and a priest since 1973. He holds a degree in Theology from the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid), a doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Athenaeum "Antonianum" in Rome, and an honorary doctorate in Pedagogy from the Catholic University Luis Amigó in Medellín (Colombia). Juan Antonio Vives is one of the most notable Amigonian writers in history. He has been a biographer of illustrious figures, writer of countless articles, lecturer, historian of the Amigonian Congregations, and author of, among other works: A Man Who Trusted in God, Amigonian Identity in Action, Francis of Assisi and the Marginalized; a prestigious academic and expert in pedagogy and spiritual theology. Throughout his literary career, he has written more than 38 books, in addition to hundreds of articles published in magazines, conferences, memoirs, and pedagogical texts.

"Amigonian Identity and Amigonian Family" – October 5, 15:00 Europe


Sister Cecilia Pasquini

Online via Streaming

Sister Cecilia Pasquini was born in Siena (Italy) on August 23, 1960. She spent her youth in the Franciscan Youth group and the Secular Franciscan Order at the Capuchin convent in Siena. After earning her degree in mathematics in 1985, she traveled to Tanzania as a lay missionary. There, in 1988, she met our sisters and decided to share their same life project as a Capuchin Tertiary. She did her novitiate in Spain, professed on July 21, 1991, and took her perpetual vows on September 24, 1995. She has served as a missionary “ad gentes” in Tanzania, at the foundation of South Korea, and in communities in Italy, Spain, and Slovakia. She left Slovakia in June 2013 to fill the vacancy left by Sister Margarita Arana Baquedano, R.I.P., as the 4th General Councilor. The XXII General Chapter asked her to continue serving in this role, which she accepted in obedience to the chapter assembly. Cecilia is a simple, joyful, welcoming, and fraternal sister, with clarity and skill in languages; she has a sense of belonging and love for the Congregation and a deep Franciscan and missionary spirit.


Msgr. Bartolomé Buigues Oller, T.C

Online via Streaming

Bishop of the Diocese of Alajuela - Monsignor Bartolomé, was born in Teulada - Alicante, Spain. An Amigonian priest since 1989, his episcopal ordination took place on May 26, 2018, in the Alajuela Cathedral. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Theology at the Faculty of Theology S. Vicente Ferrer in Valencia, a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, and a postgraduate degree in Educational Center Management from the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute of Teacher Training in the Dominican Republic. He also holds a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from UNED Spain. Some of his pastoral services in his religious life include: Superior of the P. Luis Amigó Seminary in S. José - Costa Rica, the Santa Cruz Children's Home in Bolivia, and the Hainamosa Children's Center in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. He has been a formator of postulants and novices, educator, pastoral coordinator, and director of centers for adolescents in conflict in Spain, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic. He has served as President of the Provincial Commissions for Formation and Pastoral Care, and of the General Pastoral Commission. Provincial Counselor of the Province of the Good Shepherd, General Counselor in Rome, and Provincial Superior.

Amigonian Art and Culture:

🎨Don’t miss participating in the Amigonian Arts Contest we hold for the Month of Amigonianity!
Sign up and showcase your creativity and talent:

Intercongregational Commission for the Month of Amigonianity:

Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family and Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows

Hna. Blanca Nidia Bedoya Salazar

Sup. general Hermanas Terciarias Capuchinas

Fr. Frank Gerardo Pérez Alvarado.

Sup. General Religiosos Terciarios Capuchinos  

Hna. María Anabelle Cespedes Morales

Cons. general Hermanas Terciarias Capuchinas

Fr. Salvador Morales Giraldo                           

Cons. General Religiosos Terciarios Capuchinos                                   

Fr.  Félix Martínez Ortega

Provincia Luis Amigó                                                                   

Hna. Martha P. Ramírez Vergara

Provincia Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia

Fr.  Daniel Orduz Ojeda

Comunidades Italia                                                                                      

Hna. Romina Marulli

Provincia Nazaret 

Fr. Andrés Rodríguez Alvarado                       

Provincia San José

Fr. Listher Maraganas

Delegación Mártires Amigonianos                                                                                                 

Fr. Roberto Gómez López                                          

Provincia Buen Pastor 

Laura González García Arias

Laica – Provincia Luis Amigó                                                                                

Cristian Arias Arias                                                               

Comunicaciones – Curia General

Danny Castillo Arcila

Comunicaciones – Provincia San José                 

Alberto de Miguel Torre                                       

Laico – Provincia Nazaret                                                                                                

Adriana Chacón

Laica – Provincia Buen Pastor

Cielo Ani Suárez Cañas                                       

Laica – Provincia Divina Providencia                                     

Alcira Merino Loaiza

Laica – Provincia San José

Hna. Jenemer Torio                                                                

Vicep. General Santa Clara Asia                                             

Hna. Luz Daris Reyes Balanta

Delegación General Nuestra Señora de África

Contact us​

If you want to consult information about Friendship Month 2024. Write to us and you will get a response within no more than 48 hours.

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